no co-elution
with known compound
with unknown compound
no cross-talk
soft cross-talk
hard cross-talk

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CEU Mass Mediator version 3.0.
Citing CMM:
  1. CMM 2.0: Gil-de-la-Fuente A., Godzien J. et al. Knowledge-based metabolite annotation tool: CEU Mass Mediator. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 154, 138-149.
  2. CMM 3.0: Gil-de-la-Fuente A., Godzien J. et al. CEU Mass Mediator 3.0: A Metabolite Annotation Tool Journal of Proteome Research 2019, 18 (2), 797-802
  3. CE-MS Database: Mamani-Huanca, M., Gil-de-la-Fuente A. et al. Enhancing confidence of metabolite annotation in Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry untargeted metabolomics with relative migration time and in-source fragmentation Journal of Chromatography A 2020, 1635 (4), 461758
  4. RT Pred search: García, C.A., Gil-de-la-Fuente, A., Barbas, C. et al. Probabilistic metabolite annotation using retention time prediction and meta-learned projections Journal of Cheminformatics 2022, 14, 33

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Last updated: 01/06/2022